Submitted by: Guido Nussbaum

There are many different weight lifting routines for bodybuilders, and which weight lifting routines are right for you can depend a lot on what your specific goals are and what you can do to accomplish them. If you are in pretty good shape and looking to bulk up and add more muscle mass, then your workout is going to be far different than a morbidly obese individual who hasn’t seriously worked out in years and wants to start a basic weight lifting routine to help build any type of muscle mass to help tone and lose weight. The best weight lifting routines for each of the above mentioned individuals won’t even be close to being the same.

Weight lifting routines will vary greatly from person to person based on goals, age, fitness levels, gender, and many other factors. The good news is that there is no reason for this fact to be intimidating to you. This is good news because there isn’t just one “you have to do it this way or it won’t work” weight lifting routine to help you achieve your goals. There are multiple ways to get there, and as you get into better shape and become more used to bodybuilding, you may need to change to a new weight lifting routine. This keeps the various exercise programs fresh and helps to prevent you from getting bored.


One general rule of thumb for most individuals who are looking for a quality weight lifting routine is to split up the exercises to focus on specific muscle groups on different days to avoid overtraining. So instead of doing some exercises for triceps, some for biceps, and some for legs each and every day, concentrate and work batches of muscles on the same day, and make sure the batches are related. There should be more than enough different weight lifting routines and information online to find what you need.

And we can’t emphasize enough is making sure the muscle groups are related. For example, if you did chest exercises on Monday, triceps on Tuesday, then shoulders on Wednesday you’re probably going to hurt yourself and you’re definitely guilty of over training. Most chest and shoulder exercises are weight lifting exercises that also work out the triceps. So by that third workout you’re going to be sore and your triceps will be badly over trained.

In the same way, the majority of exercise that are designed to work out the back, also work out the biceps in a secondary way. That’s why batching the right muscles together for your weight lifting routines is critically important. It’s not hard to find out which muscles tend to be worked out together, and by working out your muscles in batches instead of doing a wide array of exercises every time will help to speed up your progress and to make the most out of each and every workout involved in your weight lifting routines.

About the Author: Check out our Workout Routines. We have the

Mark Wahlberg Workout Routine

, the

Tyson Beckford Workout Routine

and many others.


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