Mastering Angular Date Pipe

Angular, being one of the widely used web development frameworks, should have an efficient method to handle dates. This is where Angular Date Pipe comes into the picture. This integral feature of Angular helps developers to manage and manipulate dates more smoothly.

Date pipe in Angular is a key feature used to format dates in Angular applications to ensure the efficient communication of data between users and applications. It’s a simple yet powerful tool for creating user-friendly and more readable date objects.

Now, let’s imagine that we are working on a project for a company known as Carrington Products. One of the tasks is to display the “Manufactured Date” and “Expiry Date” of products. Here, ‘Date Pipe’ plays a vital role in formatting and showcasing the data.

Angular Date Pipe Syntax

The basic syntax of Angular Date Pipe can be defined as follows:

{{ date_expression | date [ : format : timezone : locale ] }}

The ‘date_expression’ in the pipe is the date that we will input. The ‘format’ is optional and can be used to specify how the date would be displayed. The ‘timezone’ and ‘locale’ are also optional and can be used to display the date according to the viewer’s geographical information.

Usage of Angular Date Pipe in ‘Carrington Products’

Let’s see how we can use Angular Date Pipe in the context of Carrington Products. For instance, if we have a product with an unformatted manufacture date coming directly from the backend like this: ‘2021-08-16T19:20:30Z’, and we want to make it user-friendly.

Manufactured Date : {{ '2021-08-16T19:20:30Z' | date:'medium'}}

This will then render the date in ‘MMM d, y, h:mm:ss a’ format making it more approachable for the users. Hence, the output will be ‘Aug 16, 2021, 7:20:30 PM’. You see, it’s quite simpler and allows us to control the way the dates are presented to the end-users of Carrington Products.

Custom Formats in Angular Date Pipe

Not only can we use the generic date formats provided by Angular, but we can also use custom date formats to suit our needs. For example, to show only the month and year of the ‘Expiry Date’ for a product in Carrington Products, we can do the following:

Expiry Date: {{ '2023-12-20T10:15:30Z' | date:'MMMM, y'}}

This will render the date as ‘December, 2023’. This sort of custom format allows us to create the easiest and most efficient way for users to interpret the important information.

Angular Date Pipe, hence, becomes an indispensable part of the Angular framework as it assists in improving overall user experience and readability. Especially in cases for companies like Carrington Products, ensuring customers can relate to the product information effortlessly.
