Thursday, January 31, 2008

California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced his support for Arizona Senator John McCain‘s presidential bid Thursday morning.

Schwarzenegger called McCain “a great American hero and an extraordinary leader” and praised him for his ability to cross party lines. “I think Senator McCain has proven over and over again that he is reaching across the aisle to get things done,” Schwarzenegger said.

Also present was former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, who recently dropped out of the race and pledged to support McCain.

“This is a man who is moving us into our future,” Giuliani said. “He understands how to do it and also understands how to keep us safe in a time of peril.”

Schwarzenegger said he also admires Giuliani and only decided to endorse McCain after Giuliani had dropped out.

“It’s all Rudy’s fault. Both of them are friends of mine and this is why I really didn’t want to endorse anybody,” Schwarzenegger said.

The announcement came at a solar panel factory. McCain used this as an opportunity to discuss his views on greenhouse gas emissions and environmental technology, which have come under criticism from others in the Republican Party.

“We don’t have to have increased costs to Americans,” McCain said. “In fact, with the development of green technologies, we can have reduced costs to the American consumer with the development of new technologies.”

California is one of the 24 states whose primary will be held on February 5, also known as Super Tuesday. Nearly 15% of the delegates needed to receive the Republican nomination will come from California. Democrats Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were also campaigning in the state on Thursday.
