byAlma Abell

According to the Deafness Research Foundation, more than 65% of Afghan war veterans have hearing loss. It is also estimated that by 2050, 20% of the population will be over the age of 65 years old and about one third of these people, or 21 million, will have hearing loss.

Did you realize that there are millions of potential customers that could enjoy captioning? As of 2010, 1 in 6 Americans were estimated to make use of captioning. That’s well above the 36 million that alleged a hearing lose to some degree.

Video Closed Captioning Services

Now that you understand there is a large pool of people that can use this feature, how are you going to benefit by tapping into that resource? If you want to include this service, then you must make sure it is done professionally. The FCC has created rules for captioned shows, and their goal is to make sure that all television broadcasts are accessible to those that are deaf and hard of hearing. The FCC requirements are that the captions be accurate, synchronous, complete, and properly placed. An educated and experienced editor knows how to fulfill those requirements and make your product stand out. By having this feature on your company videos, you open yourself up to all those potential customers. Just think of all the people that just couldn’t be reached before because they couldn’t hear? Or how about all those that would appreciate the effort and see your company in a positive light? That is a lot of potential customers, but you certainly do not want to do this captioning on your own.

Two Reasons Do-It-Yourself Is A Bad Idea

There are two main reasons that doing captions yourself is a bad idea. The first reason is that you probably don’t have a lot of experience editing videos, right? When your businesses wellbeing is at stake, it isn’t a great idea to try to teach yourself and hope it all goes well. Instead, you should find someone who has years of experience and stays on top of the best techniques. An experienced video editor will be quick, efficient, and have various options available to you. Having choices can mean peace of mind for you and cost savings.

The other reason you don’t want to do it yourself is if you are planning to find an inexpensive program that can do it for you. Though this might sound like a great idea, there’s a problem with that. What’s the problem? You get what you pay for when it comes to computer programs. Cutting corners with a standalone program has its limitations, such as not having anyone to ask if you have questions. The options available to you may be low if you have any at all, and there is usually no way to polish the finished product. If the program offers extra services or styles, they usually cost more money. After purchasing them you have to install the new services yourself and hope it all works. If it doesn’t, you could spend endless hours on the phone with customer service.

Instead of making these mistakes, it is highly recommended that you work with a company that offers top-notch captioning services.

Visit this link for more information.
