Submitted by: Janice Jenkins

There are many ways you can market your business these days, most of them are inexpensive to carry out. You can always go with modern marketing strategies such as email and social networking sites. But if most of your target customers are not Internet savvy, it would be to your best interest if you stick with traditional marketing strategies such as business card printing.

Business cards may be old school but they remain an effective means of marketing and networking a business. All you have to do is hand them out to people who seem to be interested in your business and are likely to buy your products or services. Many business owners though make the mistake of being too limited in distributing their cards. This can be a big marketing mistake. If you are too picky in the people you hand out your cards, you are missing a lot on sales opportunities. It would help if you can get your cards to people who do not seem interested in your business. Later on, if you continue marketing to them, they would start to show interest in your offerings.

Here are strategies you can do in passing out your business cards as part of your marketing and networking activities:


1. Give your cards to new customers. Even if the person already bought from your store, it is still a good idea to give them your card in case they need to contact you. If you are able to satisfy your customers, they would start word of mouth marketing and refer you or give your card to people they know who might be interested in your offerings.

2. Do not forget to distribute your cards when attending trade shows, conferences, and other business events. These events are actually the best place to give out your cards as most people attending are those who are looking for the product or service you offer. If you can hand out your intriguing and interesting card to people, they will likely call you after the event.

3. When you meet someone at the grocery store, the street, or even at the movie house and the person seem to be in need of your products or services, give him your card. Make sure though that you do not just hand out your card. You have to make sure the situation is appropriate so your card will be well received. It would be inappropriate to hand out your card at a funeral, unless the situation is appropriate and the person is in dire need of your offerings.

4. When someone asks for your card, do not forget to ask the other person for his card. This will show them that you are interested in their business and they will likewise get interested in your business.

5. Get your cards posted in message boards. If there are message boards in the grocery store you visit often, do not forget to leave some of your cards in there. There might be shoppers who get interested in your business and take one of your cards.

It is important though that before your hand out your cards, you make sure that they are designed uniquely and creatively. It would be best if you can create business card samples to see how your cards will look physically. If you can ensure that your cards are designed well, it would be easy for you to get the attention that you desire.

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