By Jason S Williams

So you’ve got your fish tank set up, and now youre ready to fill it with a whole host of happy, playful fish, right? Well, now its time to plan exactly what type of fish you want and there are some important things to consider before laying down the cash and buying freshwater fish.

Do you want fish that are extremely active, so they’re always swimming around and entertaining you, or are you more interested in bright, vibrant colors and obscure patterns? Even if you want something else entirely, there are many different varieties of freshwater fish available to suit everyone.

Choosing the type of fish that you want can take some time, and if you are planning on putting several breeds together in the same tank, you need to do a bit of research beforehand. Why i hear you say? Well, the simple answer is that like every other living thing on this planet of ours, they dont always play nicely together!

Research is essential

Any decent fish supply store/aquarium should be able to give you solid information and advice about what you need to do to keep your potential fishes happy and healthy in your tank, and also let you know what fish should not be put together in the same tank. So before you buy freshwater fish for your aquarium, just be sure to ask the question so you dont wake up one morning and find that there arent quite as many fish in the tank as there was the night before!

There are many different questions you should consider asking, including:

* Does this fish like open areas, or plenty of plants?

* Does this fish prefer alkaline or more acidic water (Lower pH verses higher pH)?

* Will this fish get along with the other fish you purchased or will be purchasing?


* What are the feeding requirements for this fish? Does he eat at the top of the tank, or is it a bottom feeder?

* How much space does this fish need?

* What water temperature does this fish thrive in?

While you could go and do research on various species of Freshwater fish right now, its probably going to get too confusing at this point, and you won’t really be able to fall in love with the fish this way. This is why I would recommend a different option

Head to a fish store, and browse what they have. Heck, go to several in your area! Take a note pad and write down the species of fish that you like, and talk to the resident expert about the needs of each individual species you have written down.

Now dont buy any fish just yet, but take all that information home and perform your own bit of research on the various species of freshwater fish you wrote down. Use the internet or books to learn as much as you can and cross reference the information the staff gave you on that species of fish.

This really is the best way to know what fish are right for you, and ensures that you buy freshwater fish that suite your particular tastes and preferences.

Food for Thought

There is one important thing to consider if you plan on purchasing multiple fish, and thats their food requirements.

Fish eat at different levels in the tank. Some species are bottom dwellers, which as their name suggests spend most of their time and consume their food from the bottom of the tank, whilst others are surface eaters who prefer to consume their food at the waters surface.

Mixing these different species of fish will be just fine, but try to avoid top feeders that are known to be aggressive – pellets intended for the bottom feeders just might not get there!

Try to choose fish with similar dietary needs, and a good mix that you have learned through your research will live happily together, because happy fish tend to live a longer and brighter existence. This is good for both you and your new marine friends!

You also want to ensure that your fish aren’t going to eat each other while you’re away – and no, Im not joking. I personally have some experience in this department where not enough research cost me with the loss of 8 tetras. Research, then research some more before you buy your freshwater fish. You will be glad you did.

Aggressive Fish

Many fish – especially males – are going to be aggressive in general, so you really do need to try and avoid pairing more than one male in the tank, although naturally less aggressive species should not be a problem.

Fish with similar colors can also occasionally set things off, so again careful planning as to what fish you pair up should be should be high on your priority list. Several females to one male usually works best, but obviously every situation will be different.

Other serious risks can include aggressive fish biting or nibbling at each other, or smaller fish that simply can’t fend for themselves. Fish that have long, flowing fins will almost certainly be a target.

Match aggression levels and you’ll generally end up with a good mix. Bullies know when to back off and can fend for themselves, so most situations like those mentioned in this article can be avoided.

What not to do!

The absolute worst thing that you can do is to just fill your tank with exotic looking fish and hope everything works out. This is sadly something that happens quite often and you will end up paying for it in the endliterally!

If you follow the guidelines here before buying your freshwater fish, I have no doubt you will end up with a great set of fish that will be around for a long, long time!

About the Author: If you want to learn more about

Freshwater Aquarium Maintenance

, you can visit my website at

for helpful tips on setting up, maintaining and caring for both your Freshwater Aquarium and the fish that inhabit it.


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