Vaginal Atrophy: Dryness, Itching, and Burning
Vaginal atrophy can affect women of all ages but it is more common that women between the ages of 40 to 59 will suffer from dryness, itching, and burning related to vaginal atrophy. In the top ten afflicting problems of menopausal women, this is often at the top of the list. It is not expected or predictable. Vaginal dryness is because of many reasons. In younger women, dryness can be caused by birth control pills, surgical treatments (like cystectomy or tubal ligation), emotional issues, and multiple other medical conditions.
Vaginal dryness is often experienced when there is a lack of vaginal lubrication, often caused by a lack of estrogen production. Some will develop female sexual dysfunction which can cause one to dread intercourse and to avoid sex. Intercourse can be very painful. These women may also experience libido problems as well. Hormonal imbalance is also the cause of vaginal dryness, as well as chronic yeast infections, bacterial infections, or some kinds of cleansing of the vagina.
Many couples use condoms and foam or a method that involves a gel of some kind. Birth control pills sometimes do not provide the required level of estrogen and production of testosterone to maintain vaginal lubrication and necessary libido.
To resolve these issues there are many steps which can be followed. Use of a water soluble lubricant like Astroglide may be helpful. Estrogen therapy is useful if there is only vaginal dryness. Women who use vinegar, bubble baths, hand lotions etc can cause this dryness to become more complicated and lead to infectious. Use of multivitamins or mineral supplements can be useful as well. Balanced diets can and proper nutritional intake can help maintain a healthy lifestyle and reduce some of the complicating issues surrounding vaginal dryness.
Many women who dont want to have babies for the rest of their lives permanently they go for tubal ligation surgery. After tubal ligation women experience many side effects in which hormonal changes are the one most common. But with the change in life circumstances, some women want their own babies they want to reverse the process. Many will elect to undergo a tubal reversal. Other than having their own babies, women will proceed with a tubal reversal for many reasons. Women who undergo the process of tubal ligation may experience irregular and painful periods, vaginal dryness, menstrual related problems, trouble sleeping, hot and cold flashes, loss of libido, early onset menopause, mood swings, palpitations etc To resolve some of these issue they seek out a tubal reversal. While tubal reversal my not be the best solution for these problems, some women find that a tubal reversal procedure may help them feel more psychologically sound. Many will attribute a tubal reversal with the resolution of some of these complaints.
tubal reversal
For Detail Visit http://www.mybabydoc.com
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